Bettering The Blog | Massachusetts Photographer of Babies, Children, Families and Weddings

As we are approaching the busy photography season, the studio has had a bit of much-needed downtime after the extremely busy holiday season (did I say much-needed???), and I’ve been working on lots of backburner studio projects. The biggest item on my t0-do list was a NEW website and blog! My website was just something that was put together too quickly, and then it lived like that for almost 3 years! The new website is almost done, but it needs a few more tweaks to make it perfect. You can check out the progress, if you like

One thing that I’m extremely excited about is adding more to my blog because that’s where I get to share so much with all of YOU! I absolutely love sharing your images from photo sessions, but there is so much more to share with all of you, too. I get lots and lots of questions from how do I shoot this or when is the best time for our session to how do you find the time, etc. etc.  So, the good news is there will be MORE blogging going on around here…all photo goodness relating to the SSP Studio happenings, how-to’s, and maybe even a bit more personal stuff! Yeah!!!

Each Tuesday I will be answering all of those questions that you have pertaining to your upcoming photo shoots, general studio questions, tips to help you prepare for your session, photoshop tricks…pretty much anything! So, if you have any questions that you want answered, please submit them via the contact form so that we’ll be sure to answer.

Weddings are a big deal, right? Right! They deserve their very own category to discuss anything wedding related from photography, timelines, pretty flowers, gorgeous dresses, you name it!

This category is going to be fun! It could be some of my older photos from when I first started the photography business or just a session that never got blogged, some photos of when my daughter was young (awww!), and maybe even some old photos of me! (eeeek!!!! <— now those could be funny!)

Freedom Friday will be when I will write about anything and everything. It could be something from one of the other three categories, it could be a special session that I really want to blog about, a guest post, my favorite music right now, something personal…pretty much anything. I’m giving myself the freedom to post whatever I want on Fridays.

I hope everyone loves what we have in store over the next few months! It’s going to be fun!


Mommy & Me Mini Sessions


Worcester Engagement Photos : Esi + Ervin